八月戶外瑜伽snapshot Outdoor Yogaga

It's Sunny, it's hot join me for outdoor yoga snapshot starting Aug 2014 if u love yoga!
We share our place for out door yoga on Facebook 'Outdoor yogaga':


Here's Central MTR, get some help when U lost direction haha ^^

Participation for Outdoor YoGaGa Group
由8月2日至10月30日, 天氣好多啲出外走走, 順便做戶外瑜伽, 有咩好地方互相介紹下
1.自由選擇任何2014年的戶外 yoga pose
2.只post 自己練功的照片或Video, 切勿𨍭載他人圖片
3. 歡迎分享你對式子的感覺、難度,練習的技巧或心情或戶外好玩資訊等等
4. 歡迎瑜友中途加入
5. 量力而為, Have Fun!!
6. 請勿張貼任何形式的廣告
Participation for the 'Oudoor YoGaGa' Group
Starting from 1Aug till 30Oct 2014, Let's go outdoor & yoga !
Your participation is welcome, please observe the following general guidelines :

1. Your picture of yoga pose when u go outdoor
2. Please post YOUR own pictures or videos But NOT other's.
3. Please post the picture take in 2014 welcmome share your views of your yoga pose such as the feeling, techniques or degrees of difficulties, or outdoor yoga loaction & info
4. Welcome to join in anytime.
5. Please play safe and have fun.
6. Please don't post any forms of advertisement.




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