
目前顯示的是 2月, 2017的文章

Back Care

BACK PAIN & SHOULDER STRETCH WORKSHOP WITH AMY STARTS TOMORROW!  Spaces Are Limited. Come join our yoga class to relieve back pain, cramps, chest tightness, hand numbness, stiff shoulders, bad posture and to increase blood circulation.  February 21 &28 (Tuesday) 18: 30-19: 30 Price: $200 HKD Special Offer: 2 for the price of 1 if you both wear AUMNIE clothing. ($100 HKD each) Yoga mats and blocks will be provided for you to use.  Beginners are welcome. 2月21、28 號 (星期二) 18:30-19:30 , 我們和 @ AUMNIE 有community class event , 主題系 @ BackCare 鬆肩背,每班上限7 人。 腰酸背痛令你夜晚難以入睡,經常抽筋、胸悶、手麻痺、肩周炎?有以上問題唔知點解決?!來參加「肩背拉筋工作坊」啦!利用瑜伽帶,配合特別設計的式子及體位, 令學員的上下背部得到更大的伸展,增加血液循環, 增加肩胛骨的靈活性和肌力, 調整全身肌筋膜的平衡狀態, 還可矯正駝背等不良姿態,進而豐胸美背喔!課堂於地面進行,無需瑜伽經驗。 穿著任何AUMNIE 服飾上課的學員可以享2 人同行一人價錢首次試堂(即$200 for 2 位) Please Email: michelle@aumnie.com or Phone: +852 3188 0973 AUMNIE Hong Kong / Central Showroom (Rm 1601 , no 99 Wellington Street , Central ( Near Sheung Wan MTR) 費用已包括AUMNIE 瑜伽墊及磚。 Rm 1601, 16/F, 99 Wellington Street, Central