蛇年的瑜伽蛇故事 A legend story about snake on year of snake


蛇是中國十二生肖之一, 而蛇在瑜伽傳說裏也有一個重要的角色。這裏大家分享一個蛇神Adisesa的故事:

有一天Visnu(毗濕奴)坐在Adisesa(蛇神)的身上看著Siva(濕婆神)在跳一段引人入勝的舞蹈。或應該說是引神入勝, Visnu 專心地看著Siva的舞蹈以致身體也隨著節奏搖擺。Visnu坐下的Adisesa也察覺到他的擺動, 並且感覺到這擺動令他的身體越來越沈重, 並難以喘息至幾乎不支倒地。就在這瞬間舞蹈結束了, Visnu身體變輕了。Adisesa非常驚訝地問他的主人是甚麼造成這巨大的轉變。

Visnu 沈思後預言在未來世界Siva將會教導Adisesa寫出文法評註, 並且教授他這曼妙的舞蹈藝術。Adisesa知道後非常恩喜地期待這日的到來。

於是Adisesa開始冥想誰是他未來世界的母親,冥想中他見到Gonika(哥妮卡) 女瑜伽士(Yogini)祈求能有一傑出的兒子好讓她在生命快終結前繼承她所有的智識和智慧。
Gonika 知道她人間的生命快要將終結,希望找到一位兒子去承傳她的所有。 最後她向太陽神祈求成全她的素願, 她手中捧著清水向太陽冥想並奉上清水。當她打開雙眼時驚訝地發現手中有一條細小的蛇, 之後這條蛇化成一個細小的人並向Gonika請求成為她的兒子。Gonika 將他取名Pantajali(帕坦伽利)。

在梵文裏的意思Pata是降下, anjali是奉獻或合掌祈禱, 所以這兩字合起來的取名Pantajali的意思是由Gonika合掌祈禱所生。他就是由Adisesa化身成的Patanjali。

據講Pantanjali生於西元前500-200年間, 他寫下三月項巨著:Mahabhasya文法註作是語言及文化的經典 , Ayurveda生命及科學著作, 最後的Yoga Sutra瑜伽經講述人類心靈進化的指引。



圖裡Shiva 頸部上的蛇就是Adisesa, 也就是傳說中化身成Patanjali 的前身

Visnu(毗濕奴) 的圖像他正是Adisesa(蛇神)的主人

傳說中由蛇神所化身成的Pantanjali常有下圖中半人半蛇的造型, 造型的每個部份都有著其像徵性意義。頭頂上有無數的蛇頭代表著無限的智慧, 上半身的人身是像徵忚化身成人作出開示瑜伽自由之路。通常他四隻手中還握有四件物件, 左號角和短劍。號角像徵的是'OM"是一切可說的智慧, 短劍告介瑜伽士用以斬斷一切無知丶無明。右手所握的是Chakra碟形輪是對思想的完全自控, 第四隻手是'無懼手印'代表無所恐懼丶恆常平靜。所以這個造型的象徵意識代表一個瑜伽士所修練的方向:智慧丶斷無明丶思識的全然自控丶心境平靜恆常無懼。他的身體是蛇當然像徵他是由蛇神所轉化成的囉!
這就是瑜伽蛇的故事了, 你喜歡嗎?喜歡的話請給我一個Like!

A Legend story about snake on Chinese new year of Snake
The Legend of Sage Patanjali

It is said that Lord Vishnu was once seated on his couch, Lord Adisesa (the Lord of Serpents) watching the enchanting dance (tandava nrtya)  of Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu was so absorbed in the dance movements that His body began to vibrate to the rhythm of Lord Shiva. This vibration made him heavier and heavier causing a lot of discomfort to Lord Adisesa who was on the point of collapsing, gasping for breath. As soon as the dance came to end, Lord Vishnu's body became light again. 

Lord Adisesa was amazed with this sudden transformation and asked his master about the cause of these stupendous changes. The Lord explained that grace, beauty, majesty and grandeur of Lord Shiva had created a corresponding graceful vibration in His own body. Amazed at this, Adisesa professed a desire to learn dancing to inspire his Lord. 

Lord Vishnu predicted that soon Lord Shiva would grace Lord Adisesa to write a commentary on grammar and at that time he would also be able to devote himself to perfection in the art of dance (nrtya). Lord Adisesa was overjoyed by these words and looked forward to the grace of Lord Shiva. He then began to meditate to find out who would be his intended mother. While meditating, he had the vision of a female Yoga adept and an ascetic (a yogini and tapasvini), Gonika who was praying for a worthy son to whom she could impart her knowledge and wisdom. He realized that she would be a worthy mother for him and waited for an auspicious moment to become her son. 

Gonika, thinking that her earthly life was approaching its end, had searched for a worthy son to whom she could transmit her knowledge. But she had found no one. When her penance (tapas)  had come to an end, she looked to the Sun God and prayed to Him to fulfill her desire. She took a handful of water, as a final oblation to Him, closed her eyes and meditated on the Sun. She opened her eyes and looked at her palms as she was about to offer the water. To her surprise, she saw a tiny snake moving in her palms who soon took on a human form. This tiny male human prostrated to yogini Gonika and asked her to accept him as her son. Hence, she named him Patanjali. ( Pata means fallen or falling and Anjali means palms folded in prayer). 

This is how Sage Patanjali is said to have come into this mortal world.

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