Amy Yoga Life Bio 2015

Amy’s Yoga Bio 2015

Amy Yau, the Founder and Chairman of Alive Yoga Association (RYS200 of Yoga Alliance).  She is also a renowned RYT500 specialised in aerial yoga as well as yoga therapy.  She is a hot private instructor of local celebrities and appears on local media for yoga interview frequently.

She found herself overwhelmed by the stress of running her own business and balancing home life, that she decided to consistently practice yoga.  With a regular practice, she began to notice changes in her physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.  She left her financial business in 2009 and further continued her yogic studies in fulltime for 3years before She found Alive Yoga Association in 2014.

Amy is passionate to share her yoga experience, and to help others feel the significant physical and mental benefits that yoga has provided for her.

Come join Amy to experience fun and therapeutic ‘Alive’ aerial yoga!

AMY YAUAlive Yoga 的創辦人,全職瑜伽導師,廣受香港各大傳媒熱訪,是空中瑜伽潮流的主導人,亦是眾紅星藝人的私人教練,擁有Yoga Alliance 500小時資深註冊導師資格。


慢吞吞的我和大家分享我的瑜伽生活點滴: 慢一點丶感受生活多一點
Shop: @Unicorn_yogagirl_shop www.unicornyogagirlshop

2015 Media Interview & performance 2015年度傳媒訪問及演出
1. 20150223 TVB 「家家有喜事」vol 4. 演出瑜伽導師
2. 20150306 都市日報孕婦瑜伽專訪 Baby 孕婦瑜伽助生B
3. 20150330 《霏常雜誌》牆上掌上壓 練馬甲線迎夏日
4. 20150501 May issue《旭茉》Jessica Hong Kong My First Aerial Yoga 輕鬆起飛
5. 20150508 忽然一週 靚到底 今夏必哂 Bikini Bridge 
6. 20150605 now TV Yo!Gym 新發現 Epi 16 Yoga Bou
7. 20150623 Now TV 野佬做得到 空中瑜伽
8. 20150810 CosmoBody HK 【減壓新式!牆上的瑜伽WALL YOGA】
9. 20150827 明報週刊 空中瑜伽減肚腩
10. 20150821 Metro Daily小童空中瑜伽 助矯脊發育
11. 20150904 U Magazine 瑜伽磚自療法
12. 20150917  ME magazine 瘦身去水腫!瑜伽磚健美操
13. 20151008 More Magazine 家用空中瑜伽帶 Mysore Yoga Strap
14. 20151119 E+娛樂 週刊 Issue 003 骨盤帶測試
15. 20151226 50屆工展會Alive Yoga兒童瑜伽表演




Alive Yoga North Point Wall Rope Trial Sep @Unicorn Aerial Yoga Studio

Aerial Dance Workshop By Amber Wong @July Unicorn Aerial Yoga Studio