Hatha flow(Vinyasa) Trial Class@Unicorn Aerial Yoga studio

Hatha flow(Vinyasa)用一連串流暢的瑜珈動作(asana), 大多數的動作編排都是為了延展肌肉、增強核心力量、強化內在器官與排毒,強調專注的呼吸與有覺知的動作配合,幫助您減壓又有瘦身效果。適合各種程度的練習者。
Venue: Flat C & D 1/F Fok Ying Building, 379-381 King 's Rd North Point Hong Kong
•逢星期四:18:30~ 19:30
•費用:試堂$90, $1440 16堂( 四個月有效),單堂$110堂 
(費用包括瑜伽墊,繩及磚. 學員也歡迎自備私人瑜伽墊. )
設備: 更衣室,  淋浴需要自備毛巾及清潔用品

 開班準則: 每堂最少4人預約
導師 : Sarah 
報名:2892 8893
Facebook event:

Hatha flow (Vinyasa) is a dynamic yoga posture (asana) practice combining poses with smooth transition. Paying special attention to breath and basic alignment, this moving practice is oriented towards lengthening muscles, strengthening core region, toning internal organs and detoxification. Suitable for all people.




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