纖腰YoGaGa621 Day 2-7

我的'纖腰YoGaGa621'練習, 希望有一招半式幫到你,
Day 2 做影後👤,三角反身扭腰,繼續扭腰瘦肚

Day 3: 攰到趴系度都要痩肚,用瑜伽磚銀下腹刺激排毒。


Day 4: 扭腰吻地式,瘦肚,鬆腰一齊搞掂。

Day 5: 半蓮花扭腰糸我的飛弗,瘦肚腩不特止仲幫我放鬆整

個脊椎,練完power pose 最鐘意做番呢個扭腰。

Day 6: 先用後式扭鬆,再轉側身烏丫扭腰加埋core 用力收

Day 7: 側立,側腹肌超應❗️
join our open group at Facebook 

Participation for sliming waistline YoGaGa Programme.
由3月2日至6月21日夏至前每日用yoga 俢腰三分鐘,夏天前成功練成小腰精!


1.自由選擇任何有效纖腰yoga pose 或功法
2.只post 自己練功的照片或Video, 切勿𨍭載他人圖片
3. 請註明你的練功日,並分享你對式子的感覺、難度,練習的技巧或心情或纖腰資訊等等
4. 歡迎瑜友中途加入
5. 量力而為, Have Fun!!
6. 請勿張貼任何形式的廣告

Participation for the waistline slimming YoGaGa Programme.

Starting from 2 March till 21 June 2014, you are requested to do any poses of yoga for 3 minutes daily and get ready to show off your gorgeous body in this summer.

Your participation is welcome, please observe the following general guidelines :

1. Your choice of daily effective yoga pose for waistline slimming.

2. Please post YOUR own pictures or videos But NOT other's.

3. Please specify your date of practice and share your views of your yoga pose such as the feeling, techniques or degrees of difficulties or diet information of wistline sliming

4. Welcome to join in anytime.

5. Please play safe and have fun.

6. Please don't post any forms of advertisement.




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